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New Public Hospital Coming to the West
The new Melton hospital has officially been given the green light as announced this week by Victorian Minister for Health, Martin Foley. The location is 245-267 Ferris Road, Cobblebank.
The Victorian government is acquiring land to build the new hospital which is strategically located close to public transport, housing, and a shopping centre.
The expanding western corridor will now have a hospital to support the growing community which will provide much needed 24/7 health care and boost employment opportunities not only throughout the construction phase, but also create hundreds of permanent jobs for administrative, medical, and allied health professionals. A hospital in the west will allow residents to have medical consultations and treatment closer to home.
Construction is predicted to commence within the next 12 months, with funds to be allocated in next year’s state budget. The hospital is expected to be open by 2026-27 and will be part of Western Health.